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About Us

The Vauxhall Owners Club of NZ Inc is Auckland based, but has members from all over the North Island, the South Island, Australia and the UK.


 The Club was founded in 1981. Although numbers fluctuate from year to year, with a membership base of 95 members(2013), it makes for a great active club.


 The Vauxhall Owners Club accepts all Models of Vauxhalls from 1903 through to the latest models. The Club also accepts Bedfords and other Vauxhall based variants.

The Club is active in a wide range of events and activities. Below is a brief outline.

 National Rally:
Each Labour Weekend all the New Zealand Vauxhall Clubs meet in one location for this great social weekend for all to enjoy. Cars are judged, with trophies and prizes up for grabs.

 Monthly Event:
The Club's monthly event is normally held on a Sunday; with details, date, location and time published in the magazine. A selection will also be available on the Events page on this web site.

The club is active in many car shows such as the Brit and Euro and the Ellerslie Car Show, as well as swap meets to name a few. All cars must be groomed to a clean respectable standard when on display at shows.

 Weekends Away:
The Club endeavours each year, to head away for a short trip, staying in either motels or camping grounds. This event allows members to visit local attractions as well as catching up with a few “out of town” members who attend.

The Club has a parts stock and will try to advise as to possible sources for any not held. A list of members responsible for the parts to suit different models, can be found in the club newsletter. The Club maintains a comprehensive library of manuals for most models of Vauxhall. Books are available for borrowing by club members.

As an Incorporated Society we have a set of Rules and Constitution.


 Thank you for visiting our club website. If you are interested in joining our club, or are needing more information, refer to our contact page.     Contact Us

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